Printable copy of CV available upon request.
Ph.D. in English, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, May 2017
Concentration: Composition and Rhetoric
Dissertation Title: "Apologies for Cross Posting: Composing Disciplinary Affects and Conflicts on the WPA Listserv"
Committee Members: Shari Stenberg (Chair), Stacey Waite, Deborah Minter, and Theresa Catalano (Applied Linguistics)
Qualifying Exam Areas: "Histories of Composition/Histories of Crisis" and "Political and Ethical Turns of Feminist and Queer Pedagogies"
M.A. in English Studies, Western Washington University, June 2010
B.A. in English, Western Washington University, June 2008
Research and Teaching Interests
Histories of composition theory and pedagogy; teacher preparation; writing program administration; digital composition pedagogy and research; rhetorics of emotion; queer and feminist pedagogies; embodiment; teacher/practitioner inquiry; institutional ethnography; critical discourse analysis; contemporary critical and cultural theory.
Peer Reviewed Articles
“Cross Postings: Disciplinary Knowledge-Making and the Affective Archive of the WPA Listserv.” Composition Studies, 49.1 (2021): 42-59. Print
“Everyone Thinks It’s Just Me”: Exploring the Emotional Dimensions of Seeking Publication.” College English, 83.2 (2020): 103-126. Print. (With Shari J. Stenberg)
“Technical Rhetorics and Reproductive Justice, Reproductive Rights, and Reproductive Health.” Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric, 20.2 (2020): 15-25. Online. (with Melissa Stone)
"Softies Like Me: The Foolish Work of a Fat Queer Pedagogy." Writing on the Edge, 29.1(2018): 78-90. Print.
"'The Most Important Project of Our Time!': Hyperbole as a Discourse Feature of First-Year Writing." College Composition and Communication 67.1 (2015): 64-86. Print. Coauthored with Marcus Meade.
"It Gets Better…All in Good Time: Messianic Rhetoric and a Political Theology of Social Control.” The Journal of Cultural Research 19.4 (2015): 352-364. Print.
“Michael Field’s Renaissance: An Examination of Paterian Influence, Gender Play, and the Use of the Ekphrastic Form in Sight and Song . ” The Pater Newsletter: A Journal of the International Walter Pater Society 56/57 (Spring/Fall 2011): 18-27. Print.
Invited Contributions
"Interchanges: Response to Joanne Addison." College Composition and Communication 68.2 (December 2016). Coauthored with Marcus Meade.
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
"The Strange Practices of Serendipitous Failure: Considering Metanoia as an Alternative to Kairos." Serendipity in Rhetoric, Writing, and Literacy Research. Eds. In M.D. Goggin and P. Goggin. (pp. 257-266). Logan, UT: Utah State UP, 2018.
Textbook Contributions
Headnotes, “Questions for a Second Reading,” “Assignments for Writing,” and “Making Connections” for Michael Pollan’s “Nutitionism Defined” and Ruth Behar’s “The Vulnerable Observer” in Ways of Reading: An Anthology for Writers. 11th Edition. Eds. David Bartholomae, Anthony Petrosky, and Stacey Waite. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins.
“Prescribe for Me, Doctor, for I Have Sex: Rhetorics of Empowerment, Queer Shame, and the Confessional in PrEP Prescribing.” In J. Rhodes and J. Alexander (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Queer Rhetoric. Routledge. [5,000 words]. (Coming early 2022).
“‘Discreetly...and Without Judgement’: The Affective Politics of Nurx’s App-Based Reproductive and Sexual Healthcare.” In H. Adams and N. Myers (Eds.), Rhetorics of Reproduction: Rights, Health, Justice. (with Melissa Stone). [7,500 words]. (Coming early 2022).
Teaching Experience
At North Carolina State University
100 Level
ENG 101: Academic Writing and Research (One Section)
422 Level
ENG 422: Writing Theory and the Writing Process (One Section)
500 Level
ENG 511: Composition Theory and Research (Two Sections)
600 Level
ENG 624: Teaching College Composition (Three Sections)
At University of Nebraska-Lincoln
100 Level
ENGL 150: Writing-Rhetoric as Inquiry (Three Sections [2 F2F; 1 Online])
ENGL 151: Writing-Rhetoric as Argument (Two Sections [1 F2F; 1 Online])
ENGL 198: Writing Center Studio—"Post-Secondary Education in the US" (One Section)
200 Level
ENGL 200: Introduction to English Studies (One Section)
ENGL 212: Lesbian and Gay Literature (One Section)
ENGL 254: Writing and Communities—"Online Communities" (Six Sections)
300 Level
ENGL 322B: Linguistics and Society (One Section)
ENGL 354: The Uses of Literacy—"Re-Thinking Literacies" (One Section)
At University of Washington-Tacoma
100 Level
TCORE 101: Introduction to Academic Writing (One Section)
TWRT 112: Academic Writing II (One Section)
300 Level
TWRT 311: Writing Center Theory and Practice (One Section)
400 Level
TIAS 490: Online Writing Center Theory and Practice (One Section)
At Western Washington University
100 Level
ENGL 101: Writing and Critical Inquiry (Six Sections)
Conference Presentations
“I Didn't Do Any Writing This Weekend": Narrating Non-Work and Resisting the (Re)Productivity Imperative on Academic Twitter.” Scheduled to be presented at the 2019 Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference in Harrisburg, VA, November 2019.
“Is This My Decision to Make?: Navigating Agency and Responsibility as a jWPA.” Part of a panel discussion entitled “Life in the Fast Track: A Rhetorical Framework for First- Time- Faculty WPAs.” Presented at the 2019 Council of Writing Program Administrators in Baltimore, MD, July 2019
"Undisciplined Disciplinarity: Emotional Outbursts and (Less Than) Friendly Debate on the WPA Listserv." Presented at the 2018 Conference on College Composition and Communication in Kansas City, MO, March 2018.
“‘Well This Sucks...’: Negative Affect and the Work of Reflexive Inquiry.” Presented at the 2017 Conference on College Composition and Communication in Portland, OR, March 2017.
“‘But Will This Get Me A Job?’: Career Training and Critical Pedagogies.” Presented at the 2016 Conference on College Composition and Communication in Houston, TX, April 2016.
“‘If at First You Don’t Succeed…’: Considering Failure as Critical In(ter)vention.” Presented at the Council of Writing Program Administrators 2015 Conference in Boise, ID, July 2015.
“The Perverse Pleasures of Doing It All Wrong: Failure, Play, and the Absurd.” Presented at the 2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication in Tampa, FL, March 2015.
“The Most Important Project of Our Time: A Nuanced Examination of Hyperbole in First-Year Writing.” Presented with Marcus Meade at the 2014 Conference on College Composition and Communication in Indianapolis, IL, March 2014
“Advocacy in Translation: Writing Centers and International Students.” Presented at the 2013 Midwest Writing Centers Association Conference in Skokie, IL, October 2013
“The F Word: Failure as Professional and Ethical Praxis.” Presented at the 2013 Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference in Palo Alto, CA, September 2013.
“The Politics of Failure in the Age of Frameworks for Success: A Queer (Re)Vision of Writing Program Administration.” Presented at the Council of Writing Program Administrators 2013 Conference in Savannah, GA, July 2013.
“The Most Important Project of Our Time: A Qualitative Study of Hyperbole in First-Year Writing.” Presented at the Research Network Forum at the Conference on College Composition and Communication in Las Vegas, NV, March 2013
“By Our Own Words: A Discourse Analysis of Writing Center Mission Statements.” Presented at the International Writing Centers Association Conference in San Diego, CA, October 2012.
“‘What the Hell Am I Doing Here?!?’: Discourse Community Collisions and (False) Expectations of Discourse Knowledge Transferability in the Writing Center.” Presented at the Oregon Composition and Rhetoric Conference in Monmouth, OR, April 14, 2012
“‘So THAT'S What We're Doing?!’: Examining Pedagogical and Epistemological Dissonance in Writing Center Mission Statements.” Presented at the Research Network Forum at the Conference on College Composition and Communication in St. Louis, MO, March 21, 2012.
“Stranger in a Strange Land: Surveying New Discourses in the Writing Center.” Presented at the Conference of the High Mountain Affiliate of the Council on Writing Program Administration in Spokane, WA. September 2011
“Dandified Dress and Dangerous Desires: An Examination of Manhood and Male Homosociality in Melville’s Benito Cereno.” Presented at the Western Washington University Graduate Symposium in Bellingham, WA, May 2010.
“Team Jacob/Teen Wolf: Twilight’s Werewolves and the Construction and Consumption of Native Stories and Male Bodies.” Presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference in St. Louis, MO, March 2010.
“Crossing Boundaries with Michael Field: An Examination of Ekphrasis, Gender Play and Cosmopolitanism in Sight and Song.” Presented at Shifting Spatialities: The Dynamic Boundaries of Place and Space, a graduate Symposium at Rice University in Houston, Texas, October 2-3, 2009.
“Politics, Pedagogy, and Personal Crises: An Exploration of What Writing Tutors Bring to the Conference Table.” Presented with Jacob Herman and Katie Rowlett at the Pacific Northwest Writing Centers Association Conference at Everett Community College in Everett, WA, April, 26, 2008.
Invited Workshops
“Winds of Change: Navigating Renewal and Remembrance in the Writing Center.” An Invited Pre-Conference Workshop Co-facilitated with Dr. Rachel Azima at the 2016 Midwest Writing Centers Association Conference in Cedar Rapids, IA, March 2016.
Writing Program and Writing Center Administration Experience
Associate Director of First-Year Writing, Department of English, North Carolina State University
Fall 2017-Present
Conduct monthly mentoring workshops for new graduate teaching assistants.
Coordinate and assess mentoring program pairing GTAs with experienced nontenure track.
Plan and lead week-long May Pedagogy Workshop.
Conduct regular evaluations of graduate student teaching and the teaching by nontenure track faculty.
Serve on the First-Year Writing Program Council and Program Admin Team.
Aid the Director of First-Year Writing with ongoing program assessment, curriculum revision, and faculty review and evaluation.
Associate Director of Composition, Department of English, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Spring 2016-Fall 2017
Composed, revised, and solicited new materials for the 2016 edition of The Writing Teachers Sourcebook, a publication of the UNL Composition Program for instructors of first-year writing.
Planned and facilitated a week-long fall workshop for new TAs teaching first-year writing at UNL.
Invited scholar (Stephanie Kerschbaum) to give a public talk on “Pedagogy and Difference” and coordinated events surrounding her visit.
Serve as a mentor of new and veteran first-year writing instructors in the program.
Organize colloquia and brown bags pedagogical issues and research in Composition and Rhetoric.
Collect student work for writing program and university outcomes assessment.
Assistant Director of the Writing Center, Department of English, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Fall 2013-Spring 2015
Planned and facilitated week-long fall workshop for new and returning undergraduate and graduate writing consultants.
Scheduled undergraduate and graduate writing consultants at five campus writing center locations, maximizing number of tutoring hours with a limited budget.
Supervised and mentored undergraduate and graduate writing consultants.
Helped plan and develop workshops requested by faculty across the disciplines.
Led weekly staff meetings and continuing professional development activities.
Engaged in fundraising to support writing tutor travel to regional and international conferences
Writing Coordinator, Teaching and Learning Center, University of Washington-Tacoma (UWT)
Fall 2010-Fall 2012
Planned and facilitated ongoing weekly training for undergraduate and graduate writing consultants.
Managed tutoring, professional development, and discretionary budgets for Writing Support Services in the Teaching and Learning Center.
Developed and led disciplinary-specific pre-semester workshops on writing and research for graduate students in Nursing, Social Work, and Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences.
Scheduled undergraduate and graduate writing consultants at three campus writing center locations.
Developed and taught the first ever course on Writing Center Theory and Practice at UWT.
Engaged in quarterly program and yearly program assessment and strategic planning.
Talks on Composition Studies and Composition Pedagogy Given at UNL
“Activities for Student Engagement.” Given at the UNL English Department TA Workshop and Orientation. August 2016.
“A Teaching Philosophy of Student Engagement.” Given at the UNL English Department TA Workshop and Orientation. August 2015.
“The Rhetoric of Syllabus Layout and Design.” Given at the UNL English Department TA Workshop and Orientation. August 2015.
“Writing Your Course Trajectory Using Principles of Backwards Design.” Given at the UNL English Department TA Workshop and Orientation. August 2014.
“Socially Conscious Pedagogy.” Given at the UNL English Department TA Workshop and Orientation. August 2014.
“Composition and Rhetoric’s Relationship with English Studies.” Given in Roland Vegso’s English 200: “Introduction to English Studies” Course at UNL. September 2013.
“Perspectives of a Second Year TA” Given at the UNL English Department TA Workshop and Orientation. August 2013.
“Planning a Course Trajectory Using a Common Assignment.” Given at the UNL English Department TA Workshop and Orientation. August 2013.
National and International
Peer Reviewer for Writers: Craft and Context, Fall 2019-Present
Peer Reviewer for College Composition and Communication, Spring 2016-Present
Midwest Representative to the International Writing Centers Association, Fall 2013-Spring 2015
Research Grant Coordinator, Midwest Writing Centers Association, Spring 2015-Present
Member, Midwest Writing Centers Association Executive Board, Fall 2013-Presnt
University and Departmental
North Carolina State University
First-Year Writing Admin Team, Fall 2017-Present
First-Year Writing Program Council, Fall 2017-Present
Diversity Recruitment and Retention Committee, Fall 2017-Present
NTT Personnel Review Committiee, Spring 2018.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Graduate Student Representative, Chair's Advisory Committee, Department of English, Fall 2016-Spring 2017
Graduate Student Representative, English Department Graduate Committee, Fall 2014-Spring 2015
English Graduate Student Association Executive Board, Spring 2013-Fall 2015
Search Committee Member, Assistant Professor of English (Comp/Rhet) Search, Fall 2013-Spring 2014
Graduate Student Representative, English Department Undergraduate Committee, Fall 2013-Spring 2014
University of Washington-Tacoma
Advisor to the MA in Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Steering Committee, Fall 2011-Fall 2012
Collaborator with the First-Year Core Learning Community, Fall 2011-Fall 2012
Member of the Teaching and Learning Center Strategic Planning Committee, Fall 2010-Fall 2012
Member of the Teaching and Learning Center Program Assessment Committee, Fall 2010-Fall 2012
Member of the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable, Fall 2010-Fall 2012
Writing Instruction Liaison to the Departments of Nursing and Social Work, Fall 2010-Fall 2012
Western Washington University
Coordinator, English 101 Scholars Week, Spring 2010
English 101 Scholars Week Selection Committee, Spring 2009
Grants and Awards
Robert L. Hough Graduate Teaching Award, Spring 2015
Othmer Fellowship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2012-2015
Professional Staff Organization Professional Development Scholarship, University of Washington, Tacoma, Fall 2011
English Department Travel Grant, Western Washington University, Spring 2010
Ross Travel Grant, Western Washington University, Fall 2009
English Department Travel Grant, Western Washington University, Fall 2009
Outstanding Graduating Senior in English, Western Washington University 2008-2009
Professional Affiliations
Conference on College Composition and Communication
Council of Writing Program Administration
International Writing Centers Association
Midwest Writing Centers Association
Modern Language Association
Rhetoric Society of America
Two-Year College English Association
Shari Stenberg, Professor, Department of English, University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
Debbie Minter, Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
Stacey Waite, Assistant Professor and Director of Composition, Department of English, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Donna Qualley, Professor, Department of English, Western Washington University,
Frankie Condon, Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Waterloo,