I am a specialist in the field of Composition and Rhetoric. Currently, I’m an Assistant Professor of English and serve as the Associate Director of First Year Writing at North Carolina State University. In this capacity, I am responsible for the preparation, support, and ongoing professional development of graduate teaching assistants.
My work in the field of Composition and Rhetoric has included undergraduate and graduate level teaching experiences at multiple post-secondary institutions, one-with-one instructional experiences in writing centers, and both writing program and writing center administration.
I have a wide range of teaching and research interests, but they all center on how identity and emotion mediate rhetorical activity. In line with my administrative appointment, I am interested in teacher development and pedagogy, and within those areas, I am especially interested in queer and feminist approaches to teaching composition, the ways that emotion and embodiment shape the work of the classroom, and curricular revisions incorporating multimodal compositions with imagined public audiences.
As a secondary research interest, I am interested in how disciplinary knowledge making and academic life have changed in the digital age and how academics use new media and social media technologies to talk about their work and to dialogue about important disciplinary issues.
Hiking at Black Lake, ID